For some time I had been developing an interest in computers and had read
many books on their operation and programming - this was of course the time
of the huge mainframe with the programming capacity of a present day washing
machine. I was getting very bored with this head office lark and was talking
to one of my cousins one day about the problem. He worked for a company
called Mullards - then a global producer of electronic valves and
transistors. He suggested that they might have a vacancy for a trainee in
their computer department so off I went for an interview. I got stuck with
the classic bait and switch technique as in 'we can't offer you job in the
computer department yet but if you join us, we will try and transfer you
later'. So, having resigned from the bank in late October 1962, off I went
to Mullards, who were in Beddington - a short bus ride from home.
This new job was frankly a con. I was placed in the Costing department as a
junior clerk and was being trained to calculate the cost of producing
transistors on a monthly basis. There were so many exceptions and special
calculations and they were only done once a month that it would have taken
me years to grasp the intricacies. I was also reliably informed that the
computer department only ever employed trained people so there was little
likelihood of me getting a transfer. All of a sudden, a job in a bank looked
like a very good idea again.
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